Thermal Paper Rolls and Their Advantages Over Ordinary Paper

Thermal paper rolls are common in different application areas. These application areas include cash registers, point-of-sale systems, and credit card terminals, among others.

Thermal Paper Rolls and Their Advantages Over Ordinary Paper

In general, these application areas feature a huge amount of printing. Therefore, using non-thermal printers in such areas would result in higher expenses relating to the maintenance of such printers, replacing printer cartridges, and refilling ink.

For that reason, thermal paper rolls are most preferred at retail outlets, the banking sector, and even at government offices.

So, what is a thermal paper roll, and why use it?

Thermal paper rolls are fine and special paper coated with materials that come formulated to change color when exposed to heat. Therefore, the thermal printer head heats the POS paper roll, making it legible.

Manufacturers of POS paper rolls apply specially made and heat-sensitive materials.

However, it helps to know that the mixture and formulation of these chemicals may vary depending on the manufacturer's decision and formula.

In that regard, you may experience different qualities of thermal paper rolls available in the market today.

Thermal Paper Rolls and Their Advantages Over Ordinary Paper

How Are Thermal Paper Rolls Manufactured?

Thermal paper rolls feature three layers, although you will not notice them from the look. The first layer is the substrate layer, which is just the paper. Then, the base layer acts as the binding element and allows the transfer of heat through the paper.

Finally, the active layer contains specially formulated chemicals, allowing the ATM paper rolls to react to heat.

High-quality thermal paper rolls feature an additional protective layer, which helps to prevent the printed surface from fading.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Thermal Paper Rolls Over Ordinary Paper?

Here are important reasons businesses stock thermal papers.

1. Prints On Thermal Paper Last Longer

Do you want better prints? Thermal printers are capable of generating higher-quality prints that last longer. Besides, custom roll stickers produce clear prints that last longer, making them ideal for use on products. Therefore, if you want better prints that last longer, make room for thermal printing machines.

2. Cheaper Cost Of Printing

Thermal printing costs less money, so it is ideal for a business. This is because you do not require ink ribbons, nor will you have to refill the ink cartridges. Instead, thermal printers use heat to generate images on thermal paper.

3. Faster and Clear Printing

At retail points, you want to serve the customers with speed. Thermal printing gives you speedier results to generate receipts without causing delays. You need to check if you have enough pos thermal paper, so you do not experience shortages while serving the customers.

4. Takes Less Storage

POS Paper rolls are lighter and do not take up a huge space when it comes to storage. In the case of a mobile application, you can move around with thermal paper rolls, so you do not need to pay for storage space. On the other hand, ordinary papers are heavy and bulky, requiring extra storage space.

5. Easier Handling

Thermal papers are easier to load compared to ordinary paper. Therefore, your staff will not experience any technical difficulties if you choose high-quality thermal printers. Because of easier handling, the overall cost of maintenance is low.

6. Environmental Friendly Printing Papers

At a time when everyone is concerned about environmental sustainability, it makes sense to invest in thermal printing paper. ATM paper is environmentally friendly and can be recycled. This saves natural resources and becomes an economical option for your business.

How Can I Buy The Right POS Thermal Paper?

Now that you know the benefits of choosing thermal paper over ordinary paper, you must understand how to choose the best thermal paper. Here are some insights to have in mind when shopping for thermal paper.
  • Check Thermal Paper Roll Size
POS thermal paper rolls do not come in a standard size. Rather, the thermal paper market presents different paper roll sizes suitable for varying application areas. Therefore, rather than pick the thermal paper roll randomly, you need to take into account different considerations. First, determine the printer width, and match it to the thermal printing roll. In addition, consider the length, bearing in mind that longer thermal papers are more economical as they can print more receipts. Essentially, before buying thermal paper, check whether it fits into your printer or the machine you are using.
  • Thermal Paper Quality
The thickness and quality of thermal paper determine how neat and clear the prints will appear. A high-quality thermal paper ensures the print does not get blotchy. To test the thermal paper quality, tear a sample and use a lighter to heat the back of the thermal paper. If the thermal paper turns brown, the thermal formula is not reasonable, and storage time might be shorter. After heating, a high-quality thermal paper should turn black with a little green, and the color block should appear uniform.

Apart from the heating method, another way to test the quality of thermal paper is by looking at its appearance. A high-quality thermal paper appears slightly greenish and not too reflective. Essentially, if the thermal paper is super white, this shows that the protective and thermal coating is unreasonable.

If you want to have safer thermal paper quality, you can choose BPA Free Thermal Paper Rolls. Bisphenol A, sometimes known as BPA, is an industrial chemical that has been used since the 1950s to create specific polymers and resins. Numerous studies have found ties between Bisphenol A and serious health issues, including an increased risk of some malignancies, decreased fertility, diabetes, and birth malformations. 

  • Consider the Pricing
Check the thermal paper market to find out a seller who meets your budgetary expectations. Ideally, a good-quality thermal paper is a relatively higher price than a low-quality paper. Thus, if the POS thermal roll is listed at an unreasonably low cost, it might be wise you avoid buying and check elsewhere. Ideally, there are many brands in the market, so it is wise to consider a brand that delivers what it promised.


Thermal paper is not just like ordinary printing paper. As illustrated above, there are certain advantages of using thermal paper over the usual printing papers. Moreover, when purchasing thermal paper, check that the quality, size, and type of thermal paper suits your application area.

At Xiandai paper production, we provide high-quality thermal papers for different application areas. For professionally made and suitable thermal paper, contact us today!

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